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The Investigation Report on the Business Prospects and Investment Environment of Overseas Compatriot Business

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Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC) has carried out an expansive survey in 3Q2021 for the purpose of better understanding the business momentum, expectation and assessment of local facilities and administrative accessibility for overseas compatriot business. Over 1,600 evaluations from overseas compatriot business all over the world were collected and concluded as the indicators of business prospect and investment environment for 4Q2021, and eventually filed as the Investigation Report on the Business prospects and investment environment of Overseas Compatriot Business.

In this Report, the overseas compatriot business are basically categorized two types as industries of service and manufacture, and the Overseas Business Momentum Index(OC-BMI), Overseas Business Expectation Index(OC-BEI) and Overseas Doing Business Index(OC-DBI) are herewith established by analyzing the data collected, and served as a reference for providing an overview of the overseas compatriot business.

The OC-BMI reflects the business momentum 4Q2021, the benchmarks is set as 50 points, scores higher than the benchmark represents better performance and tends to expand.

The OC-BEI shows the expectation on local economic prospect for 1Q2022, scores over the benchmark reflect a relative optimistic prediction in the region or country.

The OC-DBI is the overall and general assessment of infrastructure and accessibility of administrative procedures, high scores reflect an easier and friendlier environment for establishing or managing business.

The investigation report and the data are available only in Mandarin, for more information, please click

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